Thursday, October 21, 2010

Define Nostalgia

nos·tal·gia [no-stal-juh, -jee-uh, nuh-] 

1. a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time: a nostalgia for his college days.
2. something that elicits or displays nostalgia.
With as stressed as I am lately with life bombarding me with things I wish I didn't have to deal with, I heard a song this morning that transported me back to 1995.  Now, 1995 was a pleasantly insane year filled with music, colors, lights and motions.  It was filled with endless dancing and love for new found friends (which could be made every night) and a carefree attitude that only a 19 year old could have with no true responsibilities or worries.  It was freedom at it's best.  This is what it looked like for me - 
That's me with the sunglasses and my infamous Snoopy backpack.

I was beginning to find myself and realize who I was.  Regardless of the fact that it took massive amounts of hallucinogenics and MDMA.  It was too much fun for simple words.  The entire world was within reach and all I had to do was dance towards it.  The dance floor in The Edge, Paragon, Warsaw, Diamante's, etc, etc was where I found divine enlightenment.  It's where I found the words to express what it was I was seeing.  It was where I could be in the here and now and not worry about what just happened 5 minutes ago or worry about what hadn't even happened yet.  It was where I felt love.  Even as the years went by, the dance floor was the only place that I felt like me and could feel free.    Go listen to this song!
I've come to figure out that I don't dance much anymore these days.  Between adding years onto my age, 2 daughters that I raise by myself, food to be cooked, dishes to be washed, laundry to be done, floors to be mopped, work to get to, driving around half of Miami on a daily basis, I long for a moment of that feeling again.  I can put on Rabbit in the Moon's "Out of Body Experience" and I will literally feel the chills go up my spine and a feeling of elation take over.  My heart rides a roller coaster to that song. I just want it for one night without the drug combinations.     It was never about the drugs.  It was the music.  I can listen to some songs and pick apart the complicated beats and melodies and find that bass line that I can groove to.  I can go on private get away's in the comfort of my car by throwing the speakers on full blast.  I need a night out of no worries and only dancing.  Will I get?  Who knows but I can always hope.

"You have to hear this song.  It will change your life."
The jungle re-mixes on this CD by DJ On-E is what became my soundtrack while roaming around Budapest, Hungary.