Saturday, November 20, 2010

I will fight wrinklesto the death!

I've come to (slightly) accept the fact that I am not as young as I once was. I know I'm not wrinkled old lady old but being only three months away from my 35th birthday, I've begun to notice things about myself that I am not happy with. Such as the spider veins that have appeared seemingly overnight on my upper thighs now making wearing a bathing suit during the summer that much more irritating and annoying. Or how about these fine lines around my lips that now cause my favorite red lipstick to bleed unless I spend time prepping my lips before applying the lipstick. Or how the skin around my eyes takes time to boune back from rubbing them (which I know I shouldn't do but I do anyways). I swear the muscles in my neck and back belong to an 80 year and were somehow transplanted into me during my hospital stay when I had the baby. I know I'm holding up much better than some women my age but that's just on the outside. Make-up is a wonderful thing when used correctly. So are all of my wonderful washes, creams and gels! Oh, and how can I forget to thank genetics for which my big boobs, light eyes/dark hair combination and youthful looks would not be possible. All in all, I guess it could be much worse. I could look like Courtney Love.