Friday, October 7, 2011

By chance...

Today, I will take a chance.  Today, I will make the first move and say something because I have been crushing for way too long and I have to figure the worse part of "you never know" is actually not knowing.  The passing of simple pleasantries has been going on for weeks and if I don't say something now, my chance just pass me by and I can't let fate have done all this work for me to sit and watch it disappear.  I've let my imagination go crazy with scenarios.  I've daydreamed enough.  I put on my favorite heels this morning that make me about 4 inches taller, left my hair down and put on my favorite red lipstick because it makes me feel good.  I've been psyching myself up since yesterday.   Even if nothing comes out of it, at least I know I did something about it.  Besides, those light eyes are driving me crazy!