I work for an interior design firm. It's a small company but I always had a preference for small companies because they feel more like a family than work. I happen to love my job. I have the best time at work and even though I am not a morning person and the commute is a bit much in Miami traffic terms, I don't mind because I love it. Now, of the 5 of us who are here on a daily basis, I am the only straight single woman and I'm the youngest one here. At almost 35, I like that. So, we have a new guy starting here officially on Monday November 1st. He came into the office today to meet everyone and to meet with the owner. Needless to say, he's a pretty good looking guy or else I wouldn't be writing about him. He's got that baritone voice that my knees melt for, not too pretty looking, nicely dressed and smelt amazing. (No, I didn't attack him at the door but he did have to pass right by me so I considered myself lucky. That would have just been creepy.) When he starts, he's going to be sitting right next to me. And I don't mean at a desk that's a few feet away. I'm talking about I can straighten out my left arm, stretch about 6 inches to the left and I could hit him in the head. Not that he brings about any feelings of violence but you get the picture. That's kinda close for new people but I don't mind. I do mind that now I'm going to have to primp and look good every day when I come to work. I do mind because I'm going to be self-conscious if I have anything stuck in my teeth, if I forgot deodorant, if my lunch made my breath smells, if my boob is coming out of my shirt, if my outfit makes me looks fats, if I have a booger hanging from my nose when I sneezed, etc., etc. This constant self-consciousness will last until I find out his sexual orientation. I say this because I am 1 of the only 2 straight people in this office and the other is a married man. So, my days will now be filled with more chatter as he sits to my left. If I find out he's batting for the other team, then it'll be fun. But if he is straight, then I'm going to have to force myself to throw him into the friend zone so I can get over myself. But "Temptation" by Corina will be playing in my head until I know.