1.the act or process of exhausting.
2.the state of being exhausted.
3.extreme weakness or fatigue.
4. the total consumption of somethingYou would figure that science would have come up with something better than coffee, Red Bull or Monster to combat exhaustion for single mothers of young children but it hasn't. So, unless I want to turn into a drug addict constantly sniffing coke or mainlining meth, I'm basically shit out of luck.
Someone had the nerve to ask me today (after being stuck in traffic for over an hour and a half thanks to the moronic drivings of the majority of South Floridians. 6 accidents on the way to work and it wasn't even raining. Really, Miami?!?! 6?!?!) why I looked so tired. After I fought the urge to drop kick them in the head, I explained that the baby is teething again and only wants to sleep on me which, in turns, means no sleep for me. So, for the last 48 hours I have slept around a total of 5 hours. How I manage to walk around sounding cheerful is still a mystery.
My goal for tonight - pray furiously to every God and deity that the baby stays asleep for at least 5 consecutive hours so I can stop piling on the concealer every morning and give my face a break. If that doesn't work, I think I'm going to shoot myself int he foot to spend a few days in the hospital.