Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Birthday!

A year ago today, my baby girl was born. I feel like I blinked and she's suddenly a year old. With as much as my life has changed because I'm raising 2 girls on my own, I wouldn't change having her. She always has a laugh for me when I'm not at my best. Those big blue eyes of her's will catch mine and she smiles her scrunched up smile. I got all emotional today while I was telling her stories as she was falling asleep for her nap this afternoon, like how at so and so time I couldn't stop looking at her and when I got to telling her that at about this time her father was holding her because he didn't want to put her down, I felt the tears fall before I could stop myself. He and I weren't even speaking when he passed away because of choices he made but I guess the realization has finally begun to settle in that he's really never going to be a part of her life. Unless I get married, she's never going to know what it's like to have a dad or to be spoiled by her father the way a daughter is suppose to. And that thought made me cry. All I can do is my best to make sure she has what she needs and give her all the love I can possibly give. That's all I really can do.