I don't think I've hit a REM cycle in over 4 months. I don't know what happened to my little one's sleep pattern but it has gone out the window. While I know she gets enough sleep with nap time in day care, I manage to wake every morning at 5:30 to start my day of endless walking to and from buses/day care-summer camp/trains and back again with cheerleading practice and supermarket/bookstore/uniform store/etc peppered in for good measure to collapse into bed around 10 - 11 o'clock at night. And it's not even a solid 6 hours of sleep. I get woken up no less than 4 times, sometimes for more than 15 minutes. I feel as if I'm about to shut down and not get up again but I fill myself with coffee, sugar, Red Bull/Monster, and what ever else I can get my hands on because if I don't make it through the day, there is not another person who will do it for me.
Breakfast of champions! |
For that matter, I doubt there's another person who would even be able to keep up. At this point, I think I would give my left ovary for a full night of 8-9 un-interrupted hours of glorious sleep. A night of sleep that my body wakes up from feeling fully rested and ready for the day, not one kicked out of bed by a blaring alarm clock and high volume TV.
Shoot me, please! |
A night of dreams that I might or might not remember the next morning but I know I had rather than wondering if I can even remember the last time I had a dream. A night where my body and mind has time to rejuvenate itself and I don't wake up with my skin looking beat up and bags under my eyes that no amount of concealer can cover up. A night that I have the entire bed and covers to myself and I don't have to worry about rolling over onto anyone. A night of sleep that lasts throughout the day and I'm not falling asleep sitting up at my desk by 3 PM. I use to hope for love to find me so I could have that great relationship. To hell with that. Right now, a full night of sleep would do me more justice that a mind blowing orgasm. That is just sad.